Today I would like to share with you the meaning behind the name "Reedy Hollow" - It's the kind of thing I'm always curious to know about other businesses, blogs + labels. It gives a bit of insight into what they are all about...
Reedy Hollow is a tribute to my late Grandma, Gwendoline. Probably the most inspirational person to impact my life. Not only was my Grandma a kind and beautiful lady, she was extremely creative and had many talents. She was an artist who painted the most endearing watercolour flowers (many of which are hanging in my apartment today), she sewed, embroidered and had the most beautiful garden you could imagine. Reedy Hollow was the name of her home, a place I grew up visiting, learning how to paint, sew and create - a magical place to me as a child with its beautiful trees, flowerbeds, fresh country air and my beloved grandparents.
Finding, altering and wearing vintage + second hand clothing has been a personal passion of mine for quite some time and something I would do just for me. I've always loved the fashions of bygone eras, it was something I would pick my Grandmas brain about whenever I visited her.
When my Grandmother sadly passed away a year ago, I inherited her sewing machine along with her vintage button collection and trimmings. It was at that point I decided to pursue this passion as a job, inspired by my Grandmas life and all the creativity she instilled within me from an early age.
That's how Reedy Hollow Vintage and Handmade came about. I hope it's something you can enjoy with me :)
I thought I would share some amazing photos of her in the 1940's and 50's, she was so cute. My favourite is the above photo - her dress was amazing, something I wish I owned today!